Review курса Google на Coursera

Very useful course, thanks Google and the Coursera! Really good job.

My brief summary:

IT Automation: It’s not that scary!

General knowlege – super useful concepts, ideas, experiences and best practices

Ruby – I love this language, “coding is a feature of IT” with such languages

Git – fantastic and very useful, began to use immediately after passing the week

Chef – a little lame with bash scripts. Also mandatory chef client excludes many devices (like network devices) from automation

Monitoring (prometheus, grafana, alerts) and testing (blackbox/whitebox) – new tools and theoretical knowledge

Linux, Bash, Regexp – learned some new stuff



Google Qwiklabs использует временные (часовые) виртуалки на Linux для лаб, с авторизацией через временные пароли. Управление виртуалками делается через Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
Qwiklabs provides lab learning environments that help developers and IT professionals get hands-on experience working with leading cloud platforms and software.

Очень понравились лабы – они реально основаны на практике, полезные для развития и довольно удобны. Google щедр и спокойно дает на время хоть 10 виртуалок с белыми IP, 10 ГБ HDD, 4 GB RAM.

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